Delta Gummies
After being recommended by a friend, I decided to try Flow Gardens 7:1 Gummies and I have become a regular customer ever since. I deal with a condition called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome which can bring about severe pain due to pressure change. These gummies have been great at helping manage inflammation and the pain. I am a newbie to the world of THC so the recommended dose of half a gummy will have a bit of a kick. I usually take half at bedtime which has led to some of my best sleep in a long time. I highly recommend this product!
Made me feel good.
Grest effects, a nice balance. Takes the edge off. Taste is good. Another winner. Grab a bag today
More of a body feeling but these are still just as the other edibles here.
THC:CBD Gummies 7:1
I sleep like a Baby
I am not a huge fan of these and won't be reordering. They effects of pone gummy are extremely mild and just made me sleepy. These will be great for bedtime.
Prompt delivery! Great feeling?